1. Signed Claim form (KYC form is mandatory for claims above INR 100,000)
  2. Main Hospital bills in original (with bill no; signed and stamped by the hospital) with all charges itemized and the original receipts
  3. Discharge Card (original)
  4. Attending doctors’ bills and receipts and certificate regarding diagnosis (if separate from hospital bill)
  5. Original reports or attested copies of Bills and Receipts for Medicines, Investigations along with Doctors prescription in Original and Laboratory
  6. Follow-up advice or letter for line of treatment after discharge from hospital, from Doctor.
  7. Break up with details of Pharmacy items, Materials, Investigations even though it is there in the main bill
  8. In case the hospital is not registered, please get a letter on the Hospital letterhead mentioning the number of beds and availability of doctors andnurses round the clock.
  9. In non- network hospitalization, please get the hospital and doctor’s registration number in Hospital letterhead and get the same signed andstamped by the hospital.
  10. In case of accidents, please note FIR or MLC (medico legal certificate) is mandatory.